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Whether you are looking to trade stocks, Forex, or CFDs, we've got you covered.


Our comprehensive trading course will teach you everything you need to know to trade the world's financial markets! The course includes... 


- Stock trading basics

- Forex trading basics

- CFD trading basics 

- Broker basics

- Technical analysis basics 

- Fundamental analysis basics 

- Reliable trading strategies 

- Risk and portfolio management basics

- Trading Psychology

- Various trading tips and advice

- And much more... 


Our educational course is written and presented by SMT Capital - trading and investing experts. 


You can learn more about our trading course by using the button below... 

Invest in our FCA regulated copy trader accounts!


Our Darwin tracks the performance of our main Forex trading strategies, which are based on a combination of Forex fundamental analysis and technical analysis. 


Our eToro copy trader account also follows our Forex trading strategies, as well as our stock and derivative trading strategies.


All of our trading strategies follow strict risk and money management policies and procedures. 

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Need more details? Contact us

We are here to assist. Contact us by phone, email or via our social media channels.

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